Sunday, February 16, 2014

One year of marriage: Valentine's Day is Everyday

Eating dark chocolate together. Let me tell you, it's powerful.

Kissing in the rain...or in the shower when it's not raining...or stealing one in the cubes at work. (shhhhh...)

Making a new dish and seeing my husband's eyes light up.

Going on drives together, even if we take a wrong turn and wind up in Lambeau Field on game day.

Getting married has shown me the love of God in a way I never understood it before. See, I thought that for Justin to really know me, he had to know everything about me. To my surprise, I learned that the things God has forgotten, Justin was happy not to know. I'm his wife, and he loves me. He sees me, now, not my regrets, or who I was, or some painful part of my past that I feel may cripple me.  And that's how God sees us. Whole and complete in the new name and position He has given us. Not our past, not our failures. 
Loved, completely loved.